A friend of mine made a request for something special for her beautiful little girl's Christening... Here are chocolate Cross Lollypops with a gold shimmer dusting that looks GORGEOUS in person and can hardly be seen in the picture..... For my god son's baptism a few years back I did these in Blue and White and I also put the gold shimmer dusting. I put them in really pretty basket and added chocolate flowers here and there.... Unfortunately I didnt take any pictures but here are the crosses I just made and I just put them in the flower pot so you can an idea....
I tried to get a picture of the shimmer... you can kinda see it here...
1 color Cross Lolly pop (with dusting) - $.50 per lollypop
2 color Cross Lolly pop (With dusting) - $.75 per lollypop
If interested in a flower pot / basket please send me an email for pricing.